Trading the bike for the keyboard

After tonight’s class on Social Media Research Techniques I am glad I have the gout.  Less time running and cycling means more time on the computer!  Boy, do I feel old and it’s not the arthritis these days.  This social media stuff is more complicated than my first game of Frogger.  But then again I was only 10 years old playing Frogger.

3 thoughts on “Trading the bike for the keyboard

  1. Frogger can be tricky… 😛

    Don’t worry if the first class was a little overwhelming. Getting everyone set up and on the same page may take a couple of weeks. Let me know if you have any questions.

  2. Once everything is set up, its just remembering to update you blogs, twitter, ect. I find the hardest thing is trying to write correctly. You want to be engaging and not write an essay, but you also don’t want to go to the level of OMG, TTYL, and all of that nonsense. Twitter, with it’s word limit has helped me out the most in terms of learning how to write for those with short attention spans.

  3. I feel your pain! Had to cut back on my physical activity level because of a condition brought on by an injury and other stresses. Keyboard for now… and then back to pedaling! Check out my other blog – maybe you could be a guest blogger for me! 🙂

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